Tuesday, August 3, 2010

why do you make people feel less than what they are

If there is anything like a good answer to this question, I'd give it, but really, I'm just not sure why I'm like that. I don't filter what I say, it just open my mouth and words come pouring out, and I think things that are really mean. My running theory is that I'm just a negative person, maybe even a bad one, but if you have a theory I'd like someone else's opinion.

If it makes you feel any better, because I know I do that, I make no effort to meet new people, and so only spend time around people I already and truly like. So I just end up doing it to them, and I know I'm doing it, and a lot of the time it kills me inside.

Ask me anything

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I've noticed something in the recommended pages section of facebook when I'm on it. It shows two pages [like the one for this that no one interacts with] on whatever topic it thinks you might like. Some of these show a line like "Many who liked X also like this" [if you're already a fan of X] or "Some number of your friends like this"; both of which are reasonable cause to suspect that I might like this thing too.

Other times however, the only justification for recommending it that facebook can find is how many fans it already has, irregardless of any of them being your friends [or mortal enemies] or not. I assume you all use facebook [if you don't, what the fuck's wrong with you?? Are you 74 or something??] so next time you're on it and from now to infinity, pay attention to the levels of fans for the things it recommends. Maybe you've already noticed it.

Here's what I'm getting at: Some sort, any sort, of activity or thing you'd do will absolutely have a fuckload less fans than a TV show or "public figure". For instance, "Sitting on the beach at night" right now has 517,000[ish] fans, whereas "The Office" [the good one with Steve Carrell] has fucking 4,841,000[and change] fans. This is not a one-off thing.

Pick virtually any TV show made after 2001 and any basic human activity, and odds are that the show is a fuckload more famous than the activity. And in the cases where the difference it isn't multiplying the fanbase of the activity to get the fans of the show, then it'll still be about five times.

All those people who spout on about how people today don't have enough interaction with people and blame TV and all that shit?? Well, when you notice something like this, you can't really argue with them. I mean, I have hung around a beach at night on several occasions, and they were all pretty awesome. Night-time sea [barring monsters and serial killers] is a really beautiful thing, but I'm still way more stoked to new episodes of Lie To Me.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Reasonable Difficulty Settings: The Holy Grail Of Video Games

I play, many video games, in my life. And one thing that has always pissed me off is the difficulty settings. The whole "easy/normal/hard system" is so fucking retarded. And don't let them fool you with that "casual/hardcore/something I can't remember" bullshit either; it means the same goddamned thing, they just want to look kool or some bullshit but they're not cos they were all made by 40-year-old white guys.

And don't get me wrong; there really does need to be different levels of difficulty within a game, coz there are people of very different skill levels who will play it. I just get pissed off how game developers keep screewing up after like 20+ years shit to build on.

Some games have their settings are way too extreme in any given direction. Meaning that for one game, the easy setting may be absurdly easy, the normal setting fairly easy, the hard setting okay and another game will have the easy setting as balls-crushingly difficult [and just gets worse]. These games piss me off, for obvious reasons.

Then there are games with really easy easy settings, really hard hard settings [that repatition physically hurt me to write, but I can be fucked fixing it] and then have the normal setting as hardly different at all from one or the other, and the developer laughs at you and mocks you in your dreams [or is that just me??].

It's so fucking rare to find a game with any difficulty setting which is just right. For me anyway. And since I'm writing this, I think it's my opinion that matters. Oh, you want me to take your feeling into account?? Well fuck you, if you really did you'd freaking comment on my blogs. And since you don't even after I have specifically asked you to, well, you can go ahead and suck my balls.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


So do any of you remember that post about lucid dreaming, I think it was Thursday last week?? Well, it's okay if you don't really remember it that well, because I basically forgot about it stright away. [What're you, perfect??] Especially that reality testign thing with the match I was so keen on, completely blanked out an hour later.

That is, I had forgotten until last night, as I was going to bed. Another thing I've read about trying to lucid dream [which I don't think I mentioned in that other post] was that telling yourself "I am going to remember my dreams" before going to sleep is a good trick, and I did so. And it fucking worked!!!! I wasn't lucid [in case you haven't been keeping up, that means I didn't have any sort of control] but I did remember a a good percentage of it. If you think that's not really that great, well fuck you, coz it's an improvement from not remembering anything, at all, amen.

As such, I've made the decision to seriously go down this path. [INFINITE POWER, BOO YEAH!!!] And a result of that I've decided to funnel the whole thing through an entirely new blog, rather than clog this ones awesomeness up. It's title is Lucidity [in case you're wondering, that underline means that it's a link you fucking retard], and you can keep track of it if you want, or not I don't really care. It's more for me than you, but I suppose you might find it interesting to see what bizarre things happen in my dreams compared to yours.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

An Adventure In Crappy Second-Handedness

There's a little second-hand store down the road from me that I walk past every know and then [but a lot when Uni is on; it's on the way to the bus stop], and because I literally had NOTHING more interesting to do, I went and did some perusing of it today. Basically it's split into two rooms, one for clothes, and one for everything else. I completely went by the clothes and into the other room. Clothes have never been something I'm interested in, even though I cold clearly dress many people [including some of you, readers] far better than they dress themselves. I just can't be bothered.

So I walk into the room of objects of all shapes and sizes, and see if there's a pattern I can use. Immediately noticing that about 50% of the whole damn room was all old diningware, and crappy china, and little boxes that smelt funny, I looked at basically every last one of them. A good deal of the stuff there actually looked kind of nice, but the problem was that most of them smelt freaky.

There were these empty bottles that looked real fancy, but it turned out they were empty perfume bottles that wouldn' be opened and smelt of some weird ass perfume. The scent reminded me of something that a really saucy woman in the 50's would wear when she was out seducing rich men. And with those images firmly ingraining themselves in my mind, I continued on.

The next thing that caught my eye was a tall, jaggedy glass bottle, you know those kinds with the coloured sands in them?? The patterns of the sands in this one were really kool, like curved, colourful teeth in the sides. I'm not sure why I didn't buy it, it was only $3 and it didn't even smell horrible. I guess I'd forgotten about it shortly after I put it down. I forget things sometimes, so what?? What're you, perfect??

Anyway, on a shelf just below that was a really big square glass bottle with a glass stopper. It was one of those ones with the spikey square pattern on them and look like they're meant hold like 300 year old brandy in them or something. Looked freaking awesome. Totally purchased.

They were the only things of note in that half of the room [no wonder there's never anyone in there] so I turned to the other half, and saying that my spirits were lifted would be such a horrible, horrible overstatement that I would have committed myself to an institution for the criminally insane. It was all absolute garbage, in the sense that I'm sure a good portion of it was stolen from the tip or people rubbish bins.

There were crummy old bags, shoddy old toasters and microwaves, basically all verieties of the junk you'd have lying around your own home [or next to your own trash cans], just all of the crap in the store was already junkified for your convenience. And then there were shelves with bedsheets and quilts. You know how people use the term "pre-loved" for second hand goods?? To hell with that crap.

Also, saucy grandma.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Awesome Men Who Stare At Goats

I finally saw 'The Men Who Stare At Goats' today, and it is legitimately one of the greatest movies ever made. I can't even begin to properly explain how awesome it is, but I'll give it my best [and fail, start drinking scotch and complain that life "Isn't what it used to be"]. Firstly, considering the books and websites I've been reading lately, the fact that it's about psychics and hippies is so coincidental that it's not. Clearly it is a message from the universe, although I was a bit busy laughing my ass directly off of myhindquarters to get just what it was saying, but I'll figure it out. [How complicated could a message from the Universe be, right?? ... Right??]

I don't want to ruin the movie either, but I don't see how I can amange not too.... Ah to hell with it, I'll just talk about things I liked and fuck to spoilers. [Also: SPOILER ALERT] The first funny/awesome thing in the movie for me was when some sergeant explained to some commander [or something like that, I don't give a crap about their rank] explained that the communists were investigating psychics because they'd heard America was, but they weren't, but now that the Ruskies were they should too. ["They think the story about it being a story is just a story."]

Plus there are two quotes from near the end that are just endless points of humour or rants. Like a subliminally messaged soung titled "Don't get drunk before operatiing heavy machine guns." Seriously?? For a fucking army base?? Are there really soldiers who need to be told these things?? If so, then WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY ALLOWED TO BE SOLDIERS when they clearly have the mental capacities of born-retarded duck who was treated to a lobotomy.

And when two of the characters fly off into the sunset in a helicopter at the end, the main characters voice-over explains that "Their helicopter crashed, maybe because of a hostile RPG, or maybe coz that's just what happens when people fly a helicopter when they're tripping on acid." Best fucking quote ever! Also that sounds fun. I want to do that.

And when [earlier on] they look into a room with a man being subjected to nothing but the barney the dinosaur theme song, and it is explained as "The Dark Side". I fully endorse this point of view. Barney is the Agent Of All That Is Evil [equal rank with Glenn Beck], and I have known this for many years, yet others for some reason seem to think this ridiculous. I have no idea why.

Freaking see this movie if you have not. Also keep in mind: Marney is evil.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lucid As A Kite

Whilst browsing stumbleUpon [I fucking love that site], I came across a guide explaining the phenomenon of lucid dreaming, plus some basic tips on how to achieve it. For those of you who don't know, I'll fill you in on lucid dreaming. Basically, a lucid dream is one where you are aware that you're dreaming, and have control over it. The amount of control can vary from deciding which direction to go in and, say, pummeling the crap out of Superman and declaring yourself Sex-King of The Land Of Rock, formerly known as Earth [for instance].

Apparently a whole shit load of books and studies have been made concerning lucid dreaming, which doesn't surprise me in the least, coz let's face it, who doesn't want the power to do absolutely anything they want to, regardless of physics or morality every single night?? [I sure as hell fucking do.] The difficulty in achieving the almighty power of lucid dreaming is that you never realise it when you're asleep. If you do, it normally wakes you up, which is a problem when people try to go for lucidity [seriously, is it just me or does this sound like some kind of drug??]. Knowing that you're asleep [when you're actually asleep] is the first and most important step. So here's some tips that will supposedly help you achieve lucid dreaming.

According to a number of sources [this isn't the first time I've heard of lucid dreams] keeping a dream diary will help you. Apparently you can eventually notice patterns, making it easier for you to realise that you're dreaming. Another method which is extremely less lame is called reality-testing. Basically, you walk around with a little piece of paper with writing on it. A few times every day, take it out, read it, look away for a second, then read it again. Supposedly, in dreams it'll change 75% of times on the first recheck, and 95% of times on the second. I have no idea how they calculated that.

However, that method doesn't quite crazy enough for my tastes. So instead, I'm going to walk around everywhere with a match in my pocket. About six times every day, I'm gonna take it out, stare at it, and try to set it on fire with my mind. If it ever works, I'll put it out and try it on something bigger, like a house. If it work's I'll know I'm dreaming, and awesomeness shall ensue.

Happy dreams everybody!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I, Wicca

So today I founf this quiz from someone on tumblr. It's called the Belief-O-Matic, and it seems fairly legit, with the way its set up and everything. I highly recommend it to all of you [meaning that you'd better do it as I want to hear about your results], and there ar some other quizzes there that look interesting, but I haven't checked, so if they emotionally scar you, I'm not responsible. Also, I got some interesting results.

FIrsly, my rating for compatability with Roman Catholicism was 14%, strongly reaffirming my desire to be excommunicated. [Also, what's with calling it Roman Catholicism?? Is there another form of Catholicism we don't talk about??] My aptitude for being a Mormon is 22%. Let us never speak of that again. And my compatibility with Islam ranks at 35%, which doens't surprise me in the least.

I mean, look at Catholicism; "God will spare us punishment coz he loves us." "Why does he love us??" "...Just coz." Not great in the sense making department. Whereas Islam's approach to God is more along the lines of walking up to him, mkaing gun-shaped gestures towards him with both hands and exclaiming "You the Man!", him nodding, and not squishing peoples. Yes, I do realise that both are more complicated then that, but really, they're not bad explanations, and the Muslim one makes more sense.

Oh, you want to know what my top religion was?? 100% compatability for Neo-Paganism. So if you'll excuse me, I need to go chant at an image of a surprisingly slim and sexy Gaia painting in the center of a pentagram.

Catcha ya's later!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


In many ways, my first semester of Uni was fucking awesome. And I'm not ashamed to admit that most of that is having a bookstore and a subway on campus. But in other capacities, I find myself kind of disapointed.

Like, you know all of those American movies you see that are set in a "College" [as they call them] ?? I really expected all of those rallies and protests to be there. There was like, a few days where booths for different causes and shit were set up, and you could like, sign up or something, but it all felt very hollow. The people there just sat around, let you come at your own pace.

I expected charismatic leaders yelling at us through bullhorns, accusing us of allowing atrocities to continue and begging us to take up arms against the perpetrators. But that wasn't what it was; there was no passion to any of it. If there were, I probably would have signed up for something, or gotten into a fight with followers for something I stood against. And that would have been better.

Having an excuse to get into fights with people is always good. Isn't that what Uni was for anyway??

Monday, July 5, 2010

Video Violence

I get really sick of people who oppose creating an R18 rating for games [and seem to oppose gaming itself] going on and on about desensitisation. Yes, constantly exposing yourself to [sometimes very realistic] simulations of violence and nastyness does make it affect you less, but it doesn't dehumanise you.

Virtually, I've been in fucking hundreds of warzones, and when given the oppotunity, I've taken innnocent civilians and fucked shit up, but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to care if someone actually starts killing people. I mean come on, who the fuck would not care about that?? The kind of person who just wouldn't care anyway, video games or no.

Paying graphic video games [or watching similarly themed movies for that matter] doesn't make people not care about things anymore. Sure it, we don't respond as massively as we otherwise would, but that's a good thing. If I had never played or seen any form of violence previously in my life and was then mugged, I'd probably completely shut down. After I've seen all of these things and had the artificial experiences, I reckon I'd deal okay. I'd still be shaken, but I'd be able to cope.

I'd also be able to cope with stabbing a careless mugger.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

whos the most beautiful person you met at school?

Ah, that's a tough one. There were some good looking people in that group. Hmmmm... It was definitely one of the girls, they were better looking tehn the guys on average... Gah, too many beautiful people, I can't decide.

Ask me anything

Friday, July 2, 2010

Random Wounds

About five minutes ago, I came to a very serious conclusion: I am a fucking retard. I was just sitting here, doing nothing really, and I look at my hand, and I have a bloodied knuckle. Not some little scratch, an uneven triangle of my skin has simply been grazed down. It's as if I had pnuched a roughly-surfaced wall in a rage, then dragged my hand down for about ten centimetres, to emphasize my point.

But here's the thing: I definitely didn't do that. In case you want to know how I know, it's because I would remember doing that. Besides, the extent of the damage was limited to this one knuckle, not the rest of my hand which would also have been ubjected to that sort of torment.

But then how the fuck did it get there?? Seriously, there is skin missing, which was not missing about three seconds before I noticed it was missing. Was it aliens?? Do they think I'm on to their astounding plot to control and dominate humanity?? AM I on to their astounding plot to control and dominate humanity?? We will never know..... [/looks off to the horizon. Indoors.]

Did I do it?? How?? Is my depression manifesting itself into an alternate personality that's suicidally depressed and trying to end it all?? Maybe not, but it does give me a great idea for a screenplay. Was it some sort of rare invisible insect that lives off human skin?? Maybe not, but again, great idea for a screen play.

I have work to do. What was I talking about before??